The owner of this site is NOT a licensed counselor/therapist/psychologist, or any other title one might choose to substitute. He is only a man with lots of life experience to offer. Please take any advice into consideration before acting upon it. Only YOU can make decisions and all offerings offered are just that...offerings for YOUR consideration. The owner of this site will not attempt to deal with psychological or life threatening conditions and STRONGLY ADVISES those needing assistance for such issues to seek PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

My Parents Lied.....

"Benvolio my parents lied to me. I have been working odd jobs and saving my money to buy a car. My parents said they would match how much money I saved and help me buy a car. I have found a really cool camaro and now they won't help me.
Benvolio's email back:
"Mike, how old are you and what is their reason for not wanting to help?
Mike's response:
"I am 16 and they said they won't put money into a car that is a money pit. They are mad because it is not perfect. The seats and carpet are not perfect and it needs some monor body work. If they would let me, I have enough money to buy the car myself and their part would fix it up and make me a really cool car but the won't help me and will told the guy not to seell it to me! They have totally screwed me on this deal!!!!! They said they will only help me buy a good car that is safe but this one would be good if they would help me!"
Benvolio's response:
I understand how you must feel. First you have saved your money and second it is a car that "you" will be driving and you feel like you should be able to pick it out. Right?
Here's where I have to speak as a parent. First, your parents wants both of your money to be invested in something of lasting value and dependable. While the Camaro is cool, I know that it is also a sports car and in many instances has been driven hard, which sounds like this car has been. While upholstery and paint (body work) can restore the look of a vehicle, the "whole" car has evidently not received the care it should have. Your parents are probably trying to save you from investing money into a car that will continually be breaking down (nothing worse than a cool car that doesn't run....been there) Also, you need to know that insurance on a "sports" car is higher than that of a car your parents might choose (especially for a young man your age).
Here's my advice for now. Go with your parents and let them help you buy a dependable, sensible car. This way you will be mobile now. With the "parents choice" car, your needs will be met and you will not be pouring money into a cool non-running car all the time. Also you can start saving money again and eventually buy a cool car later and still have transportation the whole time. Even if you do later buy a car like the camaro you are wanting, you can consider it a "project" and work on it as you go, while not having to depend on it for immediate transportation.
Long story short, if you don't take your parents advice, it sounds like you will be walking. Be smart for the time being and get some wheels now with your parent's help.

...Do right...and you will BE Right...

Friday, November 05, 2004

Depressed Democrat


I am very upset with the outcome of the elections. I really don’t understand how we lost. It seems like we have taken a step backward. The Republicans have moved us back into the 50’s. They have taken the right of us women to have control over our own bodies, they have told the gay community they are not allowed to marry. And they are going to run us into debt with all the tax cuts. What are they thinking?

We organized our efforts at my college, worked the streets to get people out to vote, and educated people on the issues. It seems that no matter how hard we work, the stupid people keep winning. What will it take to get these people to understand? I can’t believe their fear of change keeps them stuck in the past. Those right wing religious nuts drive me crazy!

Maybe I am just angry, but all this sham is leaving me very angry and depressed. I had such hope for this election, and now another four years under the stupidest president and Congress our nation has ever seen.

Thanks for letting me vent.



I should first share that I am not a liberal democrat, but neither am I a mainstream republican either. I will address your concerns as best I understand them.

What you have spoken of is not that far removed from the mentality felt by most democrats, as I have observed. You are feeling very normal, it would seem.

One thing I have also noticed is the idea that the democrats are the "smarter" of the two groups of people. In this, you have alienated your counterparts. Have you considered that this might be part of the reason for division between the parties. I have often seen the liberal democrats described as "elitists," and quite honestly have seen the attitude with my own experiences, and to be frank, it is very insulting. It seems like being a republican instantly lowers one's IQ. You might carefully consider how this attitude make you look. You should be able to be the same good person you are regardless of your political leaning.
I truly applaud your efforts to get out and bring in the voters. Good new is, it worked! This was a noble and worthy effort, and I for one, was very happy to see so much success. What happened though, was the "other" side did the same thing. Another thing that brought out the voters, was the issues being voted on. We had two very different personalities who represented two very opposing idealogies. People are animals of passion, and all it took was one spark, which the democrats fueled with all they had. That was the catalyst that matched your voter turn-out efforts.
When you speak of educating the people, once again, you did well! People need to know where and why they are casting their vote. In this election, President Bush received a pretty strong swing of democratic voters. There were two reasons for this.
First, the democrats were presenting some very controversial issues to stand on. The message received was one that indicated a change of moral climate, which many are not comfortable with, regardless of their party affiliation. Mainly in regards to the gay/lesbian issue of marriage. That minority community has been very outspoken in the past and this was the election that would determine their strength. The democratic party was pretty outspoken in supporting them. It should be seen that the vast majority of the voting public, democratic and republican, sent their message. The people of this nation has defined marriage, plain and simple. They did not attack the alternative community, but rather, chose not to be a part of it, by protecting an institution they hold as sacred.
On the issue of partial birth abortion, and abortion in general, the majority of voters has determined when they believe life to start. In essence, they call a fetus a baby, and looking at the bigger picture, have chosen to give human life, the benefit of the doubt. Is that such a bad thing? Another way to look at it is this. Life is a prescious thing. Having a baby is a serious thing; not something to be taken lightly. The view of the conservative is this. If you don't want to have a baby, then don't get yourself into a situation where it is possible. Most of the pregnancies ending up in abortion are "not" the result of rape or incest! That is a very small percentage of the cases being addressed. The basic word of the conservative would be this. Be accountable for your actions. Very few people are so ignorant as to not know how pregnancy is achieved.
Another side of this issue would have to do with the father. In cases of divorce, the father is held very accountable for supporting his children...which I agree with...after all, it takes two to tango! The issue of abortion serves to completely remove the father from the issue of pregnancy. It seems like a double standard here. If the mother wants to keep her children, then and only then is the father held to account, but if the mother does not want the baby, then the father is now removed from the equation. Someone in your camp needs to give the father a definition of accountability. If he has no say about aborting a fetus, then he should be able to turn the same mentality when it comes to supporting them...something like, "hey it was her body, and it was she who decided to keep the baby....not me!"
About the tax cuts, I have yet to see one person send their tax rebate back. I for one, believe whole heartedly with taxation, but, it is the high tax rate that is holding the people back. What I see has taken place is this. The President gave some of the tax money back, the people then invested the people back into the economy, which made us all happy when we opened that check.
You might want to be careful when you categorize a group of people. Most all of us have a judeo christian heritage, and the majority still clings to it. All you are doing when you call these people crazy, uneducated, or nuts, is to alienate yourself. Instead of criticizing and name calling, you might consider sharing your views through friendship. Remember, it is in most cases, the democrat who has the feeling of superiority. You yourself stated your higher intellect.
My advice to you would be this. Do as John Kerry asked. Reach across the aisle and work together. Also forget politics for awhile and do your part to make a positive impact as an individual.
Your passion should be commended, but remember to temper it with compassion and understanding. No one group has all the answers, and it is through a coop of the two, that this nation will move forward.
You do well Beth, and be encouraged that our system of democracy is working. The greater majority moved and they were heard, and I emplore you to not be discouraged by it, but rather, grow in it!

...Be right...and you will do right...

About Yahoo...

A quick not to let you know how I resolved my problem with Yahoo hijacking my computer. Long story short, with all the spyware it downloaded, it finally rendered my pc useless. Solution....I had to format the hard drive.

A bit of wisdom....don't download anything from Yahoo...

...Be right...and you will do right...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Yahoo!....Fools Gold!


After all that work on trying to get rid of Yahoo!, I went and followed the directions and now, they have "temporarily" suspended the "autofill" option.....working on some upgrades. I guess they will alter the program in such a way that we will never be able to get rid of them.....Looks like the KING of SPAM will live on!

They are simply NOT right!

...Be right...and you will do right...

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Yahoo! Really worth a Yodel! or "Striking Gold"

Okay, what up with the title? Well as it seems, the world needs very little in the way of counsel and I came across this most valuable bit of information, I just had to share it!

My journey with "Yahoo!" started as some associates of mine were using Yahoo! Messenger and just couldn't talk enough about it. Has all the bell's and whistles, not to mention emoticons! I am an old MS Windows Messenger user and still have nothing to complain about, with the exception that these few persons were not on MS, so off I surf to Yahoo! And download the messenger. I also got the mail as an added bonus which would now allow me to participate in Yahoo! Auctions. Ok, good deal! I could now communicate with anyone I knew, gained an extra email account, and could buy and sell on Yahoo! Auctions in addition to eBay. Looked like a very good addition.............I got it all and more!

More you ask? Just let me say, I took the shot with eyes wide open and didn't see it coming! Upon happily downloading Yahoo! Messenger and registering my new email account I quickly jumped into the game. I was researching the auctions, checking my email (like I don't have enough) and chatting with friends. Seemed great, but I noticed that when I did a search a new page would open with links to very loosely related sites, and the pop-ups were a little more active. The more I was online, the more pop-ups and useless sight search pages would jump onto my screen. Finally I decided to install "spybuster" which is a good program, but for some reason couldn't quite reach "all" the spy programs on my PC, would always freeze up. Now, two month's later, the PC is just dogging around like it is tired, the pop-ups know I am no threat to them, and seems like my PC is searching for stuff it is interested in. Very aggravating indeed! I really should have listened to my wife when she counseled against this download!

As it turns out, Yahoo! Is closely associated with "Gain", which is one of the biggest and baddest spyware applicators I have found. It will drive you nuts, consume valuable real-estate on your hard drive, and just junk up your computer. That is until now! In my latest search for what seemed to be never-ending, I found some help in the form of a sage known as LIAM. Most of the information I have found directs you to got to this folder, then that file, delete this, but not that....blah, blah, blah,........All stuff I am not willing to do as my area of confusion is primarily directed at MS office and accompanying applications, and that is where I am comfortable. But my friends, I am here to tell you, LIAM has lit the way for the rest of us, and the good part is, it is done by manipulating Yahoo!'s applications from the their email program online, rather than on "my" PC! Below you will find the instructions and I will return at a later date with the web address.

Name: LiamDate: June 18, 2004 at 22:43:00 PacificHomepage: Mayron.netSubject: uninstall Yahoo! Internet Mail
I've finally figured out how to remove Yahoo! Internet Mail. The error is that regsvr32 cannot use the ymmapi.dll file correctly. It cannot install (the /I switch) or uninstall (the /u) switch. All the Yahoo uninstall program does is have regsvr32 execute the uninstall command silently, which is why the screen only flashes. You will see the error message if you do not use the silent flag.
The solution is to log into Yahoo mail (or get an account) and click on the compose button. Then, click on the "Enable Autocomplete" link or image. Follow the steps to install Autocomplete (but be careful to not choose to set it as your default mail client, etc.). Once it has installed you may now return to the Add/Remove programs dialog and uninstall Yahoo! Internet Mail as before, and then uninstall Autocomplete. It worked for me, I hope it is of some help to others. This is a relatively simple and low-risk solution as it does not require manually editing the registry.
// Liam//

So there you have it folks! If you are having all kinds of pop-up/gain search engine invasions, this will free you from bondage as you conquer the infidel's.

I also recommend "Spybot" for removing spyware from your pc. If you haven't used it (or something similar) then you will be amazed at how much these programs are slowing you down, not to mention what kind of information was collected from you pc! You can find "Spybot" by going to google, dogpile, or most any other mega-search engines and typing it in. The best .... it is FREE, and if you like it, then pay what you feel it is worth.

On a sidenote:

Until this site gets some notice and surfer's start submitting questions, from time to time, I will post items I find helpful or of some use.


...Be right...and you will do right...

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Not enough time...

What is time? Time is something that seems to play the role of markers in ones life.

"Pamela retired after 25 years with the company..."

"Johnny turned 16 and will be getting a car soon... "

"he was only 103 when he died... "

"I work 40 hrs. A week.... "

"bake the cookies for 45 minutes..."

"finally some time for me...Just gonna do nothing..."

"It's about time for a break..."

When one takes the time to actually look at how measured out our lives are, it can take one to deeper depths of understanding and realization.

I have lately been hearing the phrase, "I don't have time" which makes me stop and think...What do they mean they don't have time? We all have the same time. We need time to work, eat, sleep and be with our loved ones. I have found that these basic functions usually make time for themselves. I have also noticed that many people who do not have time, also have to play computer/PS2/X-box games, or watch some particular series on television (usually they have complete schedule for everynight of the week) or some activity just as important.
When such a pursuit as television or games enters ones life, they are limited on time as these activities do manage to steal much of our time from us. For them, there simply is not enough time...


Spend your time more wisely! One must prioritize their time and activities to fit within the time given. Is your family important to you. Parents, children, siblings and friends are very important. Where are they on your timeline of importance? These pursuits of loved ones are the foundation of any culture and should be built strong, which does take time.

How about health? Are we spending the time it takes to maintain a physically strong body, which will lengthen and enrich one's life, as well as save money (easier than toiling for it) over the span of a lifetime.

Our minds, are we enriching them to their potential, or allowing them to operate at their bare minimum? Scientific studies have shown that a mind that is exercised daily is also one that stays healthy into old age. If one could spend just thirty minutes a day (usually the time equivalent to one sitcom or a few rounds of a game) they would invariably raise their position in life and society. Learn a new language, or enhance a skill in the arts. Study history in order to understand the future. Find a collectible you are interested in and research it! Who knows, it could just develop into a career of painting or owning your own specialty business.

There is plenty of time for us all, it is just that we all need to learn that it is metered out in increments and it is up to us to delegate how it is spent. Time will either be that which is taxing or enhancing. What will it be for you?


...Do right...And you will Be right...

Saturday, July 10, 2004

This weeks advice

Well, it looks like this site is off to a great start! Thanks to all that have participated and I hope the Redneck advice has been of some help.

So far, (just to keep you up to speed) we have had a grand total of 0 questions sent in, and sucessfully answered all of those questions. lol

Wisdom is as wisdom does. Be smart, but mostly, Just be Right!