The owner of this site is NOT a licensed counselor/therapist/psychologist, or any other title one might choose to substitute. He is only a man with lots of life experience to offer. Please take any advice into consideration before acting upon it. Only YOU can make decisions and all offerings offered are just that...offerings for YOUR consideration. The owner of this site will not attempt to deal with psychological or life threatening conditions and STRONGLY ADVISES those needing assistance for such issues to seek PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION!

Thursday, December 23, 2004

My Parents Lied.....

"Benvolio my parents lied to me. I have been working odd jobs and saving my money to buy a car. My parents said they would match how much money I saved and help me buy a car. I have found a really cool camaro and now they won't help me.
Benvolio's email back:
"Mike, how old are you and what is their reason for not wanting to help?
Mike's response:
"I am 16 and they said they won't put money into a car that is a money pit. They are mad because it is not perfect. The seats and carpet are not perfect and it needs some monor body work. If they would let me, I have enough money to buy the car myself and their part would fix it up and make me a really cool car but the won't help me and will told the guy not to seell it to me! They have totally screwed me on this deal!!!!! They said they will only help me buy a good car that is safe but this one would be good if they would help me!"
Benvolio's response:
I understand how you must feel. First you have saved your money and second it is a car that "you" will be driving and you feel like you should be able to pick it out. Right?
Here's where I have to speak as a parent. First, your parents wants both of your money to be invested in something of lasting value and dependable. While the Camaro is cool, I know that it is also a sports car and in many instances has been driven hard, which sounds like this car has been. While upholstery and paint (body work) can restore the look of a vehicle, the "whole" car has evidently not received the care it should have. Your parents are probably trying to save you from investing money into a car that will continually be breaking down (nothing worse than a cool car that doesn't run....been there) Also, you need to know that insurance on a "sports" car is higher than that of a car your parents might choose (especially for a young man your age).
Here's my advice for now. Go with your parents and let them help you buy a dependable, sensible car. This way you will be mobile now. With the "parents choice" car, your needs will be met and you will not be pouring money into a cool non-running car all the time. Also you can start saving money again and eventually buy a cool car later and still have transportation the whole time. Even if you do later buy a car like the camaro you are wanting, you can consider it a "project" and work on it as you go, while not having to depend on it for immediate transportation.
Long story short, if you don't take your parents advice, it sounds like you will be walking. Be smart for the time being and get some wheels now with your parent's help.

...Do right...and you will BE Right...