Depressed Democrat
I am very upset with the outcome of the elections. I really don’t understand how we lost. It seems like we have taken a step backward. The Republicans have moved us back into the 50’s. They have taken the right of us women to have control over our own bodies, they have told the gay community they are not allowed to marry. And they are going to run us into debt with all the tax cuts. What are they thinking?
We organized our efforts at my college, worked the streets to get people out to vote, and educated people on the issues. It seems that no matter how hard we work, the stupid people keep winning. What will it take to get these people to understand? I can’t believe their fear of change keeps them stuck in the past. Those right wing religious nuts drive me crazy!
Maybe I am just angry, but all this sham is leaving me very angry and depressed. I had such hope for this election, and now another four years under the stupidest president and Congress our nation has ever seen.
Thanks for letting me vent.
I am very upset with the outcome of the elections. I really don’t understand how we lost. It seems like we have taken a step backward. The Republicans have moved us back into the 50’s. They have taken the right of us women to have control over our own bodies, they have told the gay community they are not allowed to marry. And they are going to run us into debt with all the tax cuts. What are they thinking?
We organized our efforts at my college, worked the streets to get people out to vote, and educated people on the issues. It seems that no matter how hard we work, the stupid people keep winning. What will it take to get these people to understand? I can’t believe their fear of change keeps them stuck in the past. Those right wing religious nuts drive me crazy!
Maybe I am just angry, but all this sham is leaving me very angry and depressed. I had such hope for this election, and now another four years under the stupidest president and Congress our nation has ever seen.
Thanks for letting me vent.
I should first share that I am not a liberal democrat, but neither am I a mainstream republican either. I will address your concerns as best I understand them.
What you have spoken of is not that far removed from the mentality felt by most democrats, as I have observed. You are feeling very normal, it would seem.
One thing I have also noticed is the idea that the democrats are the "smarter" of the two groups of people. In this, you have alienated your counterparts. Have you considered that this might be part of the reason for division between the parties. I have often seen the liberal democrats described as "elitists," and quite honestly have seen the attitude with my own experiences, and to be frank, it is very insulting. It seems like being a republican instantly lowers one's IQ. You might carefully consider how this attitude make you look. You should be able to be the same good person you are regardless of your political leaning.
I truly applaud your efforts to get out and bring in the voters. Good new is, it worked! This was a noble and worthy effort, and I for one, was very happy to see so much success. What happened though, was the "other" side did the same thing. Another thing that brought out the voters, was the issues being voted on. We had two very different personalities who represented two very opposing idealogies. People are animals of passion, and all it took was one spark, which the democrats fueled with all they had. That was the catalyst that matched your voter turn-out efforts.
When you speak of educating the people, once again, you did well! People need to know where and why they are casting their vote. In this election, President Bush received a pretty strong swing of democratic voters. There were two reasons for this.
First, the democrats were presenting some very controversial issues to stand on. The message received was one that indicated a change of moral climate, which many are not comfortable with, regardless of their party affiliation. Mainly in regards to the gay/lesbian issue of marriage. That minority community has been very outspoken in the past and this was the election that would determine their strength. The democratic party was pretty outspoken in supporting them. It should be seen that the vast majority of the voting public, democratic and republican, sent their message. The people of this nation has defined marriage, plain and simple. They did not attack the alternative community, but rather, chose not to be a part of it, by protecting an institution they hold as sacred.
On the issue of partial birth abortion, and abortion in general, the majority of voters has determined when they believe life to start. In essence, they call a fetus a baby, and looking at the bigger picture, have chosen to give human life, the benefit of the doubt. Is that such a bad thing? Another way to look at it is this. Life is a prescious thing. Having a baby is a serious thing; not something to be taken lightly. The view of the conservative is this. If you don't want to have a baby, then don't get yourself into a situation where it is possible. Most of the pregnancies ending up in abortion are "not" the result of rape or incest! That is a very small percentage of the cases being addressed. The basic word of the conservative would be this. Be accountable for your actions. Very few people are so ignorant as to not know how pregnancy is achieved.
Another side of this issue would have to do with the father. In cases of divorce, the father is held very accountable for supporting his children...which I agree with...after all, it takes two to tango! The issue of abortion serves to completely remove the father from the issue of pregnancy. It seems like a double standard here. If the mother wants to keep her children, then and only then is the father held to account, but if the mother does not want the baby, then the father is now removed from the equation. Someone in your camp needs to give the father a definition of accountability. If he has no say about aborting a fetus, then he should be able to turn the same mentality when it comes to supporting them...something like, "hey it was her body, and it was she who decided to keep the baby....not me!"
About the tax cuts, I have yet to see one person send their tax rebate back. I for one, believe whole heartedly with taxation, but, it is the high tax rate that is holding the people back. What I see has taken place is this. The President gave some of the tax money back, the people then invested the people back into the economy, which made us all happy when we opened that check.
You might want to be careful when you categorize a group of people. Most all of us have a judeo christian heritage, and the majority still clings to it. All you are doing when you call these people crazy, uneducated, or nuts, is to alienate yourself. Instead of criticizing and name calling, you might consider sharing your views through friendship. Remember, it is in most cases, the democrat who has the feeling of superiority. You yourself stated your higher intellect.
My advice to you would be this. Do as John Kerry asked. Reach across the aisle and work together. Also forget politics for awhile and do your part to make a positive impact as an individual.
Your passion should be commended, but remember to temper it with compassion and understanding. No one group has all the answers, and it is through a coop of the two, that this nation will move forward.
You do well Beth, and be encouraged that our system of democracy is working. The greater majority moved and they were heard, and I emplore you to not be discouraged by it, but rather, grow in it!
...Be right...and you will do right...
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