The owner of this site is NOT a licensed counselor/therapist/psychologist, or any other title one might choose to substitute. He is only a man with lots of life experience to offer. Please take any advice into consideration before acting upon it. Only YOU can make decisions and all offerings offered are just that...offerings for YOUR consideration. The owner of this site will not attempt to deal with psychological or life threatening conditions and STRONGLY ADVISES those needing assistance for such issues to seek PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION!

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Yahoo!....Fools Gold!


After all that work on trying to get rid of Yahoo!, I went and followed the directions and now, they have "temporarily" suspended the "autofill" option.....working on some upgrades. I guess they will alter the program in such a way that we will never be able to get rid of them.....Looks like the KING of SPAM will live on!

They are simply NOT right!

...Be right...and you will do right...

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