The owner of this site is NOT a licensed counselor/therapist/psychologist, or any other title one might choose to substitute. He is only a man with lots of life experience to offer. Please take any advice into consideration before acting upon it. Only YOU can make decisions and all offerings offered are just that...offerings for YOUR consideration. The owner of this site will not attempt to deal with psychological or life threatening conditions and STRONGLY ADVISES those needing assistance for such issues to seek PROFESSIONAL ATTENTION!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Not enough time...

What is time? Time is something that seems to play the role of markers in ones life.

"Pamela retired after 25 years with the company..."

"Johnny turned 16 and will be getting a car soon... "

"he was only 103 when he died... "

"I work 40 hrs. A week.... "

"bake the cookies for 45 minutes..."

"finally some time for me...Just gonna do nothing..."

"It's about time for a break..."

When one takes the time to actually look at how measured out our lives are, it can take one to deeper depths of understanding and realization.

I have lately been hearing the phrase, "I don't have time" which makes me stop and think...What do they mean they don't have time? We all have the same time. We need time to work, eat, sleep and be with our loved ones. I have found that these basic functions usually make time for themselves. I have also noticed that many people who do not have time, also have to play computer/PS2/X-box games, or watch some particular series on television (usually they have complete schedule for everynight of the week) or some activity just as important.
When such a pursuit as television or games enters ones life, they are limited on time as these activities do manage to steal much of our time from us. For them, there simply is not enough time...


Spend your time more wisely! One must prioritize their time and activities to fit within the time given. Is your family important to you. Parents, children, siblings and friends are very important. Where are they on your timeline of importance? These pursuits of loved ones are the foundation of any culture and should be built strong, which does take time.

How about health? Are we spending the time it takes to maintain a physically strong body, which will lengthen and enrich one's life, as well as save money (easier than toiling for it) over the span of a lifetime.

Our minds, are we enriching them to their potential, or allowing them to operate at their bare minimum? Scientific studies have shown that a mind that is exercised daily is also one that stays healthy into old age. If one could spend just thirty minutes a day (usually the time equivalent to one sitcom or a few rounds of a game) they would invariably raise their position in life and society. Learn a new language, or enhance a skill in the arts. Study history in order to understand the future. Find a collectible you are interested in and research it! Who knows, it could just develop into a career of painting or owning your own specialty business.

There is plenty of time for us all, it is just that we all need to learn that it is metered out in increments and it is up to us to delegate how it is spent. Time will either be that which is taxing or enhancing. What will it be for you?


...Do right...And you will Be right...

Saturday, July 10, 2004

This weeks advice

Well, it looks like this site is off to a great start! Thanks to all that have participated and I hope the Redneck advice has been of some help.

So far, (just to keep you up to speed) we have had a grand total of 0 questions sent in, and sucessfully answered all of those questions. lol

Wisdom is as wisdom does. Be smart, but mostly, Just be Right!